Education Programs
Isdco adopted by the systems, training, seminars are organized
P.C.D.S1 (48 hours)
1. Body Sensitive Points
2. The body's natural weapons
3. Basic Elements and Principles
4. Focus on distance control and
5. Defensive tactics against unarmed attacker
6. Stick defense tactics against the attacker
7. Knife defense tactics against the attacker
8. Tactics for fighting on the ground
P.C.D.S2 (48 hours)
1. Specific applications Sopalı attacker
2. Unarmed defense against an attacker one-to-many
3.İki against the attacker, while the other one empty-handed bat or a knife
4. One of the assailants, the other blade Sopalı
5. If both stick or knife attackers
6. Cop-stick tactics to use
7. Introduction to Transportation-Transfer Techniques Tactics 1. Direct technical applications
2. Key technical applications
3. Panic control
4. Sopalı others empty-handed in the middle of three offenses
5. Three others empty-handed knife attacker in the middle
6. An attacker could knife in one hand while the other hand raises
7. Knife attacker and two foreign hands tutuyorlarsa
8. Separating the two attackers in a
9. Install the top search-and-clamp
10. The vehicle thrust-Downloads
11. Introduction to Gun Threats
P.C.D.S.4 (70 hours)
1 - Basic Falls
2 - Techniques of plagiarism
3 - Bogus Techniques
4 - Joint Locks
5 - Gun-defense tactics against threats
6 - Long Barrel weapon defense tactics against Threats
P.C.D.S.5 (64 hours)
1-Near Defense Technique
2-Rationale for the attack protection
3-Without the attacker Loss Prevention
4-Instrumental Attacks Protection Technique
5-Against Attack Techniques
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Women's Personal Defense Training
-Safety Tips
-User limbs
-Eclipses - hugs
-Using various materials-
-Two's attack
-Bag snatching
-Ground defense
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Law Enforcement, Pars Tactical Defense Training (30 hours)
1 - Effective points of the body
2 - Natural weapons and their uses
3 - One to One Struggle
a-Distance Control, and to focus on
b-defense against an unarmed attacker
c-defense against an attacker Sopalı
d-Knife defense against an attacker
4 - Transportation-Relief Techniques
5 - Installing the top search-clamp techniques
6 - Using the techniques of Cop
- General Review and Final Exam
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Safety, Security, VIP Protection Personnel Training
General purpose, background information and goals
Documentary films,
(Killing Killings and initiatives), followed by a brief discussion and brainstorming about the facts
Worker behavior
Tools and used goods, first aid, emergency treatment
Against the behavior of institutions and attitudes to work
Summary and the phase of the advanced course
(Entry Test)
Fitness, stamina and strength test
Coordination, learning speed, skill and understanding test
Basic attacks
Against attacks
Team attacks, as the direct object
Tactical firearms defense exchanges between the art techniques
3. mixed with other attacks
(Self Defense)
Basic attacks against
Hazardous against tutuşlara
Armed attack
Armed threat
VIP Moving (glance from side to bring)
Developing -
Sensitivity -
Copy your partner's Movements -
Moving yourself around the partner
Redirecting with minimal contact
Releasing the partner holds from
Redirecting with light contact
Developing sensitivity to the threat -*
Recommendations on the use of a handgun-